Essay Writing Steps – The 6 Steps To Structure A Good Essay

There is a formula to writing good essays and it comes from having a structure to them. There are people who are easily able to mechanically produce great essays and it comes from simple steps to writing an essay, learn the steps and you too will be able to produce amazing essays easily.
  1. Idea / Concept – Everything comes from an idea. To write a good essay you need to have a good idea on how you are going to approach it. Make sure only to think about the idea at this stage and don’t get distracted by the other steps of writing an essay.
  2. Plan- Once you have a good idea plot how you are going to take with each section and what you are going to write. You may want to change your plan slightly after you have done more research but your plan will help you to do focused research on the topic which will keep you focused and on point. Plot out how long the assignment is going to take you on a calendar and try to stick to it.
  3. Research – At this point you do research on the topic to fill any gaps you have in your knowledge. Use your plan to stop you from getting of point and to stick with your main idea. Gather your research into groups on a document, you will later use this to create your strcuture
  4. Structure – With your research you are ready to structure your essay. Having knowledge of the main arguments you can easily lay out your argument into sections. This will help you when you are later writing your essay. Time spent on your structure is never time wasted
  5. Write – Stick to your structure and write your essay. Make sure to write the conclusion and introduction last, these are really hard to write at the beginning and you will be able to write them best when you have a clear knowledge of the text you will be introducing and concluding on. When you are writing make sure to keep hydrated and take plenty of breaks.
  6. Proofread – Read over your essay and make sure you read it over again. You should never be loosing marks because of bad spelling and grammar mistakes. Look at your essay having taken a break of several hours or days, often you will find errors that you never saw before. Getting a friend to look over the essay will also help you ensure that your work is free from errors which can loose you easy maks.